"When we are not sure, we are Alive"

- Graham Greene

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why today's kids don't help the homeless by Dave Chappelle

Have you ever watched, like, a cartoon that you used to watch when you were little, as an adult? I was sittin' there with my nephew. I turned it on Sesame Street. And I was, like, "Oh, good. Sesame Street. Now he'll learn how to count and spell." But now I'm watching it as an adult and I realize that Sesame Street teaches kids other things. It teaches kids how to judge people and label people. That's right. They got this one character named Oscar. They treat this guy like shit the entire show. They judge him right to his face. "Oscar, you are so mean. Isn't he, kids?" "Yeah. Oscar, you're a grouch!" He's, like, "Bitch, I live in a fucking trash can! I'm the poorest motherfucker on Sesame Street. Nobody's helpin' me." Now you wonder why your kids grow up and step over homeless people, like, "Get it together, grouch. Get a job, grouch."

- Dave Chappelle: Killin' Them Softly (2000)

Public Radio Name Generator-- name yourself today!

Mine is Baruch Momani-Carter. Finally now I can get on the air and do a hard-hitting expose on how the US spork industry (aka Big Spork) is opressing Guatemalan transsexual mimes with Dyslexia !

Yeah, that's our kid alright ;)

Bringing a child into this world

I'm more than a little concerned about bringing a child into a world where one can simply dismiss facts as a conspiracy or propaganda if they don’t fit with one’s beliefs or world view.

Perhaps even more disturbing is that with the advent of the ubiquitous internet and 24 hour cable news one can find a community of likeminded goobers to support their particular asinine stance (this is true for all political ideologies). I...’m all for critical thinking and logical skepticism but there comes a point in any contested event where substantial evidence from a multitude of sources cannot be refuted with hysterical unsubstantiated accusations of conspiracy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Apparently this blog thing takes effort..

So it's been a while, I suppose it's a good thing that I don't have the time to post every day about things people most likely don't care about (and are even less likely to see)? Any how, Peter Graves was found dead today. Didn't know him personally, or a shitload about him other than he was in Mission Impossible A&E's Biography and Airplane!, Perhaps one of the funniest movies ever made. I guess it means I am finally getting old that I now feel many of the famous people who I'd like to think help define me are dropping dead. Maybe it's the immortality of the Hollywood image that convinces me my hero's and idols will be around as long as I will, maybe I want it to be the case as I am now at the point in my life that I'm not too crazy about the passage of time (which is vividly chronicled month after month with the the deaths of the famous). I guess in the end it reminds me not so much of what these successful people have accomplished as much as it reminds me what I have not, and that my friends depresses the shit out of me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So it has come to this...

As a result of not being able to share enough of my thoughts, opinions and eccentricities on Facebook I've decided to start my own blog to pollute the interwebs with my nonsensical ramblings. So buckle your seatbelt (or don't)...it's about to get weird.